Monday, July 2, 2012

Pics of the Week!

The Hulk Lives!!!!!!!!

Well...needless to say, it was quite ominous when Katelyn showed me the jaw of one of her skeletons - only to find that it was bright green!!! Found in a tomb of the medieval church, this skeleton was buried with a coin in its mouth - guaranteeing a safe journey from this world to the next. Over time the copper from the coin stained the front of the skeleton's jaw - giving it an eerie green tinge. (you can see one of his green teeth in the lower left hand corner of the photograph above). Another indication that the Hulk did in fact exist - and he lived on the island of Cyprus : )

Another interesting and fun find in the bio-archaeology section of the apotheke is this oscillated cartilage of the trachea. Because of its fragility, these structures of the skeleton are very rare and hard to find in good condition when excavating burials.