On the north-west coast, just north of Lachi, a sacred spot is waiting to be visited. After walking up stone steps, through fig trees and heavy vegetation, the Baths of Aphrodite lay hidden, with a small waterfall and fountain producing precious water. It is believed that Aphrodite was once discovered bathing here in the moonlight and if someone were to bathe in the same water they would receive eternal youth.
Luckily, when I visited, there were only a few people at the site so we had it all to ourselves. The "bath" is smaller than expected but the eels swimming in the water add a sinister tone to the atmosphere. I was going to photoshop the pictures I have posted to take away the green hue, but that truly is how the lighting is shining on the baths, giving a green tinge to the otherwise clear water. Despite the sign shown above, many of the German tourists were jumping into the water (with the eels! Yikes!). I kept my distance. There is a fountain nearby that pumps water from the bath for anyone who wishes to wash their face or bottle eternal youth. The views from the baths are breathtaking and look down on the best coastal area I have visited thus far.